Improve cost & enhance network performance

Access Communications lowered the cost of its CMTS upgrades and reduced RF equipment in the headend by deploying Harmonic’s cOS broadband Platform and Ripple remote PHY DAA nodes. The virtualized solution deployed in a DAA, helps decrease facilities costs and enhances network performance so Access Communications can deliver reliable, affordable, and faster broadband services to the hundreds of communities they serve.

Access Communications gets results

Access Communications massively lowers energy, space, cooling and cabling costs with a high-efficiency solution to expand capacity and sustainably deliver a superior quality of service to every subscriber it serves.

DAA with cOS broadband platform

With Harmonic’s Ripple R-PHY DAA node, Access Communications has the flexibility to upgrade its plant to mid-split and simply change diplexers in the field to maximize previous investments as it grows its upstream capacity. Access Communications also benefits from a simplified DOCSIS network, which enable it to condense three teams into a single team to handle video services, DOCSIS, network operations and delivery up to the node.

Let's talk DAA

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