Harmonic manufactures high-quality and innovative IT and telecommunications equipment, video delivery infrastructure solutions and services for its customers worldwide. We are committed to providing our customers with safe and environmentally friendly products that are compliant with all relevant regulations, customer specifications, and environmental legislation.

Energy efficient

We choose to invest in innovation to create solutions that will significantly reduce our customers' energy needs and greenhouse gas emissions. We lead the video broadcast and broadband industries to greater energy efficiency and flexibility with cloud-based solutions.

Real-time monitoring

Harmonic minimizes service-, support- and maintenance-related travel through real-time monitoring of our customers’ network elements with our remote diagnostic and repair capabilities. This allows us to provide ongoing support 24/7/365.

Reusable platforms

We provide our customers with options to use reusable cloud compute platforms to host on-premises solutions. Moving to the cloud allows our customers to run on fewer machines, consolidate climate control costs, and dynamically allocate resources. 

Sustainable solutions

Harmonic manufactures high-quality and innovative IT and telecommunications equipment, video delivery infrastructure solutions and services for its customers worldwide. We are committed to providing our customers with safe and environmentally friendly products that are compliant with all relevant regulations, customer specifications, and environmental legislation.

Everyday sustainability initiatives

Energy & water
  • Utilize renewable energy sources for our facilities whenever practicable.

  • Continually seek to reduce the amount of energy and water we use in our facilities and operations.

  • Reduce our office space needs wherever practicable.

  • Set heating and cooling temperatures at our facilities with energy consumption in mind.

  • Consider energy consumption and efficiency when purchasing new equipment.

  • Support the use of sustainable water sources, availability of safe drinking water, and protection of both ecosystems and communities through proper sanitation; we believe the right to water is a basic human right.

Equipment & supplies
  • Evaluate the environmental impact of any equipment or supplies we intend to purchase.

  • Favor more environmentally friendly and efficient products wherever practicable.

  • Reuse and recycle whenever practicable, including electronics, metals and plastics.

Paper consumption
  • Minimize use of paper in our offices.

  • Reduce packaging whenever practicable.

  • Seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper products.

  • Reuse or recycle all paper whenever practicable.

  • Significantly reduce unnecessary business travel through video conferencing, virtual product demonstrations and online product and technical training.

  • Reduce employee commuting through our work-from-home initiatives.

  • Encourage and accommodate the use of public transportation or bicycles.

  • Support EV, hybrid and other ‘green’ vehicles through, e.g., Company charging stations.

  • Utilize environmentally-friendly cleaning supplies and practices at our facilities.

  • Utilize only licensed firms for waste disposal and recycling.

Additional resources

Environmental Responsibility & Sustainability

Environmental Compliance Statement

Conflict Minerals Policy Statement

Conflict Minerals Report 2023

Corporate Responsibility Highlights